The Lahovice interchange south of Prague where the ring road crosses the main road south from Prague city centre. The top photo is how it should be; the bottom photo is how it was on Monday 3rd March 2013
Last Monday evening (3rd June), just as I was uploading photographs to illustrate a draft blog post about the serious flooding we were experiencing in Prague, our connection to the internet died. I soon discovered that the cause of the problem was that our landline phone was also dead – our broadband internet connection is via the landline.
Awaking on Tuesday morning, to find that we still did not have a functioning internet connection, I contacted Gordon the Church Treasurer using my mobile phone, to explain the problem. Although the contract with our service provider O2, is in my name, the monthly bill is sent electronically to Gordon, for him to settle directly from the Church account. Gordon assured me that O2 had an English-speaking helpline and he would contact them and let me know the outcome.
When Gordon contacted O2, the English-speaking helpline offered a recorded message saying that ‘no English-speaking operators were available’, whilst the Czech helpline, upon entering our phone number, produced another recorded message saying that there were ‘technical issues in our area’ but with no indication as to when these ‘technical issues’ might be resolved. The only contact Gordon or I have had from O2 was a Czech text message to my mobile phone last Friday afternoon, promising that compensation for loss of service will be included in next month’s bill.
Having no internet access in my office in the Chaplaincy Flat for six days, has been utterly frustrating. It has also made me very conscious of how reliant I am upon being able to send and receive emails, at little more than the click of a mouse.
But it isn’t just the restrictions that this situation has placed upon me, but also the expectations of those I serve. The assumption that if someone sends me an email, they will receive a prompt reply. Within a couple of days, I had a phone call on my mobile from one of the congregation, most surprised that I hadn’t replied to his email โ a simple request for a contact name and phone number to which I would have normally have replied within a few hours.
Fortunately, the purchase of a new laptop computer just over a year ago, has meant that I have managed to make a connection with the internet from time to time, by going to various local bar-restaurants more frequently than normal ๐ in order to avail myself of their wifi. So I’ve learned to write emails and save them in my drafts folder, and then send them once I get to the pub! But it isn’t the most ideal way to work. Honestly!
Sybille has a fairly common response whenever I ask her something. If she doesn’t immediately know the answer to my question, then she firmly tells me to ‘google it!’ But of course, I cannot ‘google it’, if we have no internet connection. Likewise, when compiling the ‘Weekly Bulletin’ for Sunday worship this past week, I couldnโt click onto the Church of England website and copy and paste the Collect of the Day โ I ended up typing it word by word from a book instead. And trying to update the Chaplaincy website ๐
All along, we have assumed that the ‘technical issues’ to which O2 referred in their recorded message, related to the serious flooding of recent days โ that flood-water had got into their system somewhere. So when on Saturday morning, I met Jana who lives on the ground floor of our apartment block, I asked her if she had the same problems with phone and internet as we do. I was surprised when she said she had experienced no interruption to service at all.
Then yesterday evening, about an hour before I got back from Brno from officiating at our regular monthly evening service there, Sybille decided to ask Kamila who lives across the second floor landing from us, if her phone and internet were working. She too, had not had any problems. Even better, Kamila kindly gave Sybille the log-in details to her wifi network, to allow us to piggyback onto her system until O2 get around to resolving their ‘technical difficulties in our area’. So after six long days, both Sybille and I are finally back online.
Kamila’s network only works in our sitting room so I’ve had to temporarily migrate from my office, to the dining table. But her service provider, who also seem to be used by many others in our immediate neighbourhood, say they only need an existing phone landline, in order to provide broadband internet. Therefore, when we do finally get a functioning landline once again, O2 will promptly lose a customer. But when that will be is anyoneโs guess. By the time I post this, our landline will have been dead for a whole seven days, and still counting ๐
How weird and deeply frustrating, Ricky. If it were simply a technical problem with your local line, you’d expect that an engineer’s visit could have fixed it. I wonder whether some centralised O2 system has gone pfutt? Whatever it is I do hope it gets sorted out very quickly for your sake.
Deeply frustrating is putting it politely Perpetua – Now we are online via piggybacking on our neighbour’s wifi, I accessed O2’s English website pages & duly registered a complaint at lunchtime today. I’ve had an automatic email acknowledging my complaint, but nothing more. I find it most ironic that, in order to register a complaint, you need to be online. Yet what I want to complain about is NOT being able to be online!!!! The only reason I can register my complaint, is because of being able to access the services of one of O2’s competitors ๐
Hi, Rev. Yates,
Ew, that’s terrible about your phone and internet being zapped for so long, especially with all your parishoners to attend to! What sort of internet connection do you have? We have dial-up, so our phone and internet systems are very interconnected. If one goes, the other follows suite. Glad to hear your neighbor was kind enough to allow you to create an online vicarage in exile, anyway! ๐
I know what you mean about realizing how dependent one is on the internet! When my computer broke down in April and it had to be taken to the shop, I had to go without it for some small space of time. Doesn’t sound so hard. But it’s amazing how many times I felt my itchy typing fingers flare up and yearn to feel the smooth keys snapping along the board!
I’ll pray internet life is restored to your humble abode on the double!
God Bless,
Thanks for the sympathy Pearl – We have a broadband wifi network via the landline phone. With the landline phone not working, we have no internet connection. We’re grateful to our neighbour for allowing us to temporarily piggyback on her wifi network. But it’s not ideal as I can’t work in my office & the connection is quite slow & sometimes breaks altogether. Unfortunately, still no news from O2, our network non-provider ๐
Ahh… the joys of internet. We also hate loosing internet connectivity but at the same time, we’re trying to cut down on our usage of it. From time to time, a cyber-cut isn’t the end of the world.
Yes – sometimes not being able to access the internet all the time is a good thing. But I’d like to plan when I do that, not have it forced on me. Your comment comes at an apposite time – today, our landline phone & internet were finally reconnected & restored. Btw – love your blog ๐
Ricky it’s amazing how reliant we’ve become on the internet – if it cuts out for 5 minutes we’re cursing technology and it feels like the end of the world, yet it didn’t exist 25 years ago!