By Ricky, on March 25th, 2021 As I wrote at the end of my previous post, on the afternoon Sunday 28th February, I was driving back from Decín to my home in Stará Oleška, when the car accelerator went limp and the engine died. I was fortunately able to roll to a halt at the far end of a long lay-by, part of which is a bus stop, which at least meant I didn’t foul up the traffic on route 13 / E442.
A cri de cœur to my neighbour, Lucie, resulted in her younger brother Pavel, driving out to rescue me, accompanied by her daughter Lucka, who I help with English for an hour each week. Pavel and Lucka helped me unload my supermarket shopping and my new toaster from the boot of my car, into Pavel’s vehicle, . . . → Read More: There is a very big hole in my bank account
By Ricky, on March 18th, 2021 Money © Ricky Yates
I knew that the work to connect my house to mains water was not going to be cheap as the house is set back quite some way from the road. In the end, it cost me CZK 30,500, about £1000 at current exchange rates, together with a further CZK 1000, paying František to complete the work the ‘chancers’, (thank you Sean, for your perfect terminology ), didn’t do.
I was also aware that once the house was connected to mains water, I would soon need to purchase a new washing machine. My existing machine was frequently failing to complete the set programme, in particular, stopping after one rinse. Therefore it was always impossible to go out whilst the washing machine was in use because of needing . . . → Read More: It’s beginning to be a bit expensive…..
By Ricky, on February 27th, 2021 Notice regarding the installation of mains water © Ricky Yates
When I bought my new house in Stará Oleška back in April 2017, I had to make a legal agreement with my neighbours regarding its water supply. This was pumped from an underground source in the garden of Milan and Lucie, my immediate neighbours, and supplied them, Pavel and Vlasta, (Lucie’s parents), who live behind me, and me. This water, whilst perfectly safe, did sometimes come out rather discoloured. So I took to buying bottled water for cooking and drinking and inserting a sachet of ‘Intensive white’ in the washing machine, when washing light-coloured clothing.
Under this agreement, I have paid CZK 200 a month for my water supply – CZK 100 for the electricity powering the pump and CZK 100 . . . → Read More: My house is now connected to mains water
By Ricky, on February 5th, 2021 Zámek Decín © Ricky Yates
I realised late yesterday, that 4th February is the birthday of my blog. My first ever post was published here on 4th February 2009 meaning that the blog is now twelve years old. Last night when I realised, I was immediately going to try to write and publish a birthday post as I have on several occasions in previous years. But I eventually decided that if I was going to write a coherent post, it might be better to wait until today
The blog has an amazing 435 posts. This will be post 436, the first in Year 13 of Ricky Yates – An Anglican in Bohemia & Saxony. Whilst I am very happy that the blog is now one year away from becoming . . . → Read More: Happy Twelfth Birthday to my blog
By Ricky, on January 31st, 2021
Stará Oleška 44, Sunday 31st January 2021 © Ricky Yates
Further to my previous post, ‘Winter has arrived‘, winter has definitely decided to stay We have had further snowfall since I last posted and there has been lying snow now for over three weeks.
It finally stopped snowing around lunchtime yesterday (30th). Overnight, the skies cleared and the temperature dropped to -10°C (14° Fahrenheit for my American visitors). But clear skies has meant bright sunshine all day today, creating the perfect opportunity for taking snowy photographs Knowing from past comments, how much my previous snowy photographs have been appreciated, here are a few more.
Back garden, . . . → Read More: More snow
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