By Ricky, on October 19th, 2013
Autumnal reflections in Pruhonice Park © Ricky Yates
I have twice previously written and posted about Pruhonice Park, a magnificent landscaped park that lies just south-east of the city of Prague. Sybille and I first visited Pruhonice Park in the summer of 2012 about which you can read and see numerous photographs here. Then in May this year, we re-visited in order to see the amazing display of flowering rhododendrons for which the park is particularly famous.
Pruhonice Zamek reflected in the adjoining lake © Ricky Yates
Last Monday, on my regular day-off, we made our third visit in order to see Pruhonice Park in Autumn and were not disappointed. Once more, there were remarkably few visitors and we were able to thoroughly enjoy the wonderful Autumn colours on display. As the saying goes, a picture . . . → Read More: Autumn colours in Pruhonice Park
By Ricky, on June 27th, 2013
Ricky at Rícky v Orlických horách © Ricky Yates
I am writing this, sitting in the bar/dining room/lounge of Hotel Konšel, located in the small settlement that bears my name, Rícky v Orlických horách. Yes, after our short, very snowbound visit in early April this year, Ricky has returned to Rícky 
This time, Sybille and I are here, hoping to spend the first eight days of two weeks of my annual leave, enjoying a walking holiday in the Orlické hory. And, if the hotel’s slightly dodgy wifi internet connection had allowed me, I would have posted this on the evening of Wednesday 26th June, as my first ever blogpost not posted from my office in the Chaplaincy Flat in Prague.
We arrived here on the afternoon of Monday 24th June, following a . . . → Read More: Ricky has returned to Rícky
By Ricky, on June 10th, 2013
The Lahovice interchange south of Prague where the ring road crosses the main road south from Prague city centre. The top photo is how it should be; the bottom photo is how it was on Monday 3rd March 2013
Last Monday evening (3rd June), just as I was uploading photographs to illustrate a draft blog post about the serious flooding we were experiencing in Prague, our connection to the internet died. I soon discovered that the cause of the problem was that our landline phone was also dead – our broadband internet connection is via the landline.
Awaking on Tuesday morning, to find that we still did not have a functioning internet connection, I contacted Gordon the Church Treasurer using my mobile phone, to explain the problem. Although the contract with our service provider O2, is in my name, the monthly bill is . . . → Read More: Living without being connected to the internet for a week
By Ricky, on June 7th, 2013
This was written and should have been posted late in the evening of Monday 3rd June. However, as I was uploading the photographs, the internet connection to the Chaplaincy Flat died, along with the landline phone. Nearly four days later, we are still without internet or phone. Our provider O2, tells us in a recorded message that they have ‘technical issues in our area’, with no information as to when these ‘technical issues’ will be resolved. We assume that floodwater has got into their system somewhere. I have finally managed to complete this post using the wifi connection in Bar-Restaurace U Topolu whilst eating my lunch 
Don’t try walking or parking your car here © Ricky Yates
I have previously written on this blog, about flooding in Prague. I wrote that post from a historical perspective and illustrated . . . → Read More: Prague Floods – June 2013
By Ricky, on March 20th, 2011
New flood defence at Troja © Ricky Yates
On Mondays (my day off), and sometimes on Saturdays if I get the sermon finished in time, Sybille and I like to walk and explore different parts of Prague. Here are two pairs of pictures taken during two walking forays into different parts of the city during February 2011.
These first two pictures were taken in Troja, a suburb located on the other side of the Vltava from where we live and close to Prague Zoo. They show newly constructed flood defences, designed to protect the neighbouring housing and also the nearby zoo, from future flooding should the Vltava rise to levels similar to those experienced in the catastrophic floods of August 2002. These defences are quite new – when we were last here a few months earlier, major construction works were still underway.
The . . . → Read More: Flood defences and Communist artwork
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