A preserved section of the Berlin Wall © Ricky Yates
It is more than a little ironic that Berlin’s most popular tourist attraction, for the most part no longer exists! For 28 years, the Berlin Wall symbolised the Cold War and the division of Europe between the democratic and capitalist west, and the communist one-party states of the east, even if the communists did try to proclaim themselves as ‘democratic’ with the official name of the former East Germany being the Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR).
Construction of the wall began shortly after midnight on 13th August 1961 when thousands of East German soldiers and police rolled out massive lengths of barbed wire, cutting streets in two and preventing East Germans from travelling into West Berlin. Shortly afterwards, the barbed wire was replaced with a wall made of concrete slabs.
The Berlin Wall was a desperate measure by the East German communists, to stem the population flow from east to west which had seen 3.6 million Germans migrate between the foundation of the DDR in 1949, and the wall being erected in 1961. If the population drain had been allowed to continue, it would have soon brought the DDR to a point of economic and political collapse.
Although very euphemistically entitled the ‘Anti-Fascist Protection Barrier’ by the DDR authorities, it was rapidly reinforced on the East German side with the area behind the wall being cleared, trenches dug, barbed wire fences put in place, and a further inner wall, the Hinterlandmaurer, built on the other side to enclose the intervening death strip. Floodlighting at night and watch towers manned by trigger-happy guards were put in place to try to ensure no one escaped from the ‘communist paradise’ of the DDR 😉

Crosses commemorating individuals who lost their lives trying to cross the Berlin Wall © Ricky Yates
Many people did still try to escape, some successfully but many were killed or died in the process. This is one of several memorials commemorating some of the victims.

Old East German watchtower © Ricky Yates
The demise of the Berlin Wall came almost as quickly as its creation twenty-eight years earlier. In the Autumn of 1989, the DDR once more started losing its people in large numbers as Hungary opened its border with Austria. Demonstrations and demands for reform grew quickly within the DDR and on 9th November 1989, the communist authorities bowed to the inevitable and announced on DDR television that all restrictions on travel to the west would be lifted immediately.
Crowds gathered at various checkpoints along the Wall that evening, eventually overwhelming the border guards by their sheer weight of numbers. People started to dance on top of the wall whilst others began to attack parts of it with sledgehammers, chipping away pieces of concrete as souvenirs. Over the following months, large sections were demolished and removed.
Today, other than a few preserved sections such as that in the photograph at the beginning of this post, there is very little left of of the Berlin Wall and its associated fortifications. This former East German watchtower pictured here, sits slightly incongruously in a side street near Potsdammer Platz. In the meantime, the two city halves have visually merged making it difficult to discern whether one is in the East or the West.
Other short sections of the Wall have been preserved, including the remains of artwork or graffiti, (depending on your point of view 🙂 ), with which West Berliners decorated their side of the wall, with explanatory boards placed in between, explaining the history of the Berliner Maurer. The example in the photograph below is located on the line of where the Wall once stood, also not far from Potsdammer Platz.

Preserved sections of the Berlin Wall with explanatory boards © Ricky Yates

The double row of cobblestones marking the former course of the Berlin Wall © Ricky Yates
In recognition that visiting tourists will want to know where the Berlin Wall once stood, a double row of cobblestones has been placed showing the line of its former course.
Since the collapse of the Berlin Wall and subsequent German reunification, the derelict area between the original Wall and the Hinterlandmaurer, has been prime land for redevelopment. Some older, often war-damaged buildings located in or adjacent to the ‘security strip’ have been renovated and restored, whilst elsewhere, completely new construction has taken place.
The picture below shows an area of the ‘security strip’ just south of the Brandenburg Gate. On the right, in the foreground of the photograph, is one corner of the Holocaust Memorial about which more in text and pictures in a future post. Immediately beyond are a series of newly-constructed cafés and restaurants, where even in late October when we visited, it was still possible to sit at outside tables.
However, the apartment blocks beyond the cafés and restaurants are located in the former East Berlin and were built by the communist regime post-1961. They are colloquially known as Luxusplatte – luxury flats, but still built in the typical communist manner using concrete panels. Only very faithful Communist Party members were allowed to live in them, that is only those who could be trusted not to try to escape to the west, because they lived so close to the Wall 😉

Part of the redeveloped former ‘security strip’ with Luxusplatte beyond © Ricky Yates
One of the buildings that lay within the former ‘security strip’ was that which housed the British Embassy until the breaking off of diplomatic relations at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939. The building itself was subsequently badly damaged by allied bombing. When the newly reunited Germany once again made Berlin its capital city in 1999, the British government decided to rebuild its embassy on the same site with the new building pictured below, being officially opened by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 18th July 2000.

The British Embassy in Berlin © Ricky Yates
Great post Ricky.
It bought back many memories from 1989 when along with millions I watched events unfold on TV and radio. The fall of the wall and the eastern bloc seemed to happen so quickly. Events that I thought would be impossible to take place in my lifetime.
Hi Wissy/Robin – nice to have you commenting here again. Like you, I never thought I would see the collapse of the Berlin Wall/Iron Curtain/Communism during my lifetime, yet it did happen – and remarkably rapidly. Since the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the city has been dramatically transformed as I hope to describe and illustrate in a future post.
Very interesting Ricky 🙂 I can feel a trip to Berlin next summer coming on 🙂
Glad you enjoyed it Mike – Berlin is a very worthwhile place to visit. Just be careful not to offend an Erster Polizeihauptkommissar when parking your car 🙂
Hi Ricky,
Thanks for the post, it is nice reading something from Home here in Czechland.
However, did you have the chance to see the East Side Galerie it is close to the U-Bahn Stopp Warschauer Strasse. That Galerie is still a long strip of existing piece of the Wall at the Original Spot. They as well recently asked some of the Artist to redo the Paintings on it, as it had started to fade away.
Well the spot itself where it still stands and blocks the beautiful view on the River Spree is open for discussion. Lots of Tourists and Berliners like & love it but others, would love to have it gone, as it still splits the City in different parts….
It is as well a nice place for the Summer as they have artificial Beaches build up there so you can enjoy a Cocktail and Pizza sitting next to the Wall and looking at the Spree!
I at the moment live down here in beautiful cute Brno but every time I go home to Berlin and during the summer have a stop at the Beach, I just miss this big melting pot of Home when I read articles like yours!!! Thanks!!!:)!!
Have great day,
Hi Claudia & welcome to the blog. I intend to shortly write a further post about our Berlin visit. But no – we didn’t visit the gallery you mention. However, we did spend several hours in the Neues Museum on our last full day in Berlin when the weather was not very congenial for being outside 🙂
Hi Ricky,
Enjoy if you go back and here you have a nice first view at it
Thanks for your answer,
You’re welcome Claudia – many thanks for the link.
I haven’t visited Berlin, Ricky, though I remember being taken in the early 1960s by my German penfriend’s family to see the frontier between East and West Germany near Hamburg. I also vividly remember the excitement of watching the crowds clambering over the Wall and attacking it with sledge-hammers – history taking place before my eyes!
A most interesting post, which enlarged my knowledge of the building of the Berlin Wall and its subsequent history.
It was my first visit to Berlin Perpetua & Sybille hadn’t been there since a brief visit in 1993. But she had the experience as a West German teenager, of visiting East Berlin when the Wall was in place. Glad you enjoyed the post. Our visit certainly improved my knowledge too!
[…] The Berlin Wall » […]
Its great to see remnants of the wall. What an awkward piece of history.
Currybadger – I think that the right balance has been struck between preserving history, however awkward, and revitalising the once divided city.