The new house © Ricky Yates
As I’ve explained in my two previous blog posts, here and here, and in responding to comments on them, I’ve been looking to buy a house into which to retire, in the vicinity of the north Bohemian town of Decín. This is the promised update.
On Thursday 9th March, I went to view this house, along with Martin Tonder of Vesta Realitní. Having overnight pondered on what I saw, the next day, I sent off an email with an offer to buy. By the morning of Tuesday 14th March, my offer had been accepted 🙂
After a few days delay, I’ve now received translations into English of two documents for me and the current owners to sign and also pay a modest deposit. Once this is done, the purchase will be set in motion. As Martin Tonder said on the phone to me this afternoon, the ball is now in my court!
The house lies in the village of Stará Oleška, Alt Ohlisch (German), eleven kilometres east of Decín. It has a population of just over 200. Like many places in this part of the Czech Republic, it gets much busier in summer as there are three camp sites, a pension and apartments to rent.
All these facilities are located in the vicinity of a lake at the eastern end of the village. Part of the lake is a nature reserve, home to around 130 different species of birds. But the rest is available to the public and there is a grassy ‘beach’ from which it is possible to swim.
The house is at the western end of the village. It is quite small but solidly built. It currently belongs to an elderly couple who have slowly improved it over the years.

The main bedroom © Ricky Yates
The main bedroom is on the ground floor, as is the shower and toilet. There is also an entrance hall, sitting room and a kitchen.

First-floor bedroom © Ricky Yates
On the first floor are two small bedrooms. One is currently completely full of junk! This is the other, which judging by the décor, is where the granddaughters sleep when they come to visit.

First floor access © Ricky Yates
The one main drawback is this rather ‘interesting’ access to the first floor bedrooms. I was going to write ‘upstairs bedrooms’, but in reality, they are ‘up-ladder bedrooms’ 🙁 However, there is a distinct possibility of installing a staircase at the rear of the building with a door into the bedrooms where there is currently a window.
Everybody, including us, have been asking about the timetable for the move. Fortunately, the elderly owners are now, aided by Martin Tonder, talking about moving initially to rented premises which should be more quickly arranged rather than another house purchase. The main problem I foresee is getting them to sort out and remove their assorted belongings collected over many years, so that there is vacant possession.
That’s looking very promising, Ricky, though I agree a proper staircase would be a distinct improvement. I don’t like loft ladders either. The setting sounds lovely and I look forward to lots of photos when you finally move in.
It is very promising Perpetua, especially the news yesterday that the current owners are now looking to move initially, to a rented property. Otherwise, this is what we would have had to do, in order to clear the Chaplaincy Flat by Monday 15th May.
I don’t have any other photos of the interior at present as I didn’t feel it was right to take photos of the sitting room & kitchen with the elderly owners & their daughter all sitting there!
I will post some photos of the setting in due course, especially as the weather is now becoming Spring-like. There was still some lying snow in places when I first visited! But if you Google ‘Stará Oleška’, & click on ‘Images’, you’ll get numerous photos of the lake.
Hi Ricky,
Congratulations on your new home, I wish Sybille and yourself many happy and healthy years of retirement there. God bless, Sean.
Hi Sean – we’re not there yet, but heading in the right direction. Five more weeks as Chaplain of St Clement’s, Prague including an Episcopal visit and Holy Week & Easter. Thank you for the good wishes.
How fun to see photos! It looks cozy and comfortable – a perfect backdrop for retirement. I googled the village and I’m sure your guaranteed lovely walking trails. I’m sure this relieves a lot of stress; Ben and I are very happy for you!
Glad you enjoyed the photos, Em. They’ll be more after we’ve moved in. It is quite small so hopefully will be not too difficult to keep cosy in winter. Thank you for the good wishes.