Hrad Kost/Kost Castle © Ricky Yates
Last Wednesday, 21st December, I took my ‘day off’ for the week and went for a 12km circular walk through another part of Ceský Ráj. You can see and read about my two previous visits here and here. The day was dry and cold, -3°C according to the ‘Carly’, but unfortunately the afternoon sunshine promised by the BBC online weather forecast, didn’t materialise 🙁
I started my walk at Hrad Kost / Kost Castle, built on one of the rocky outcrops which are such a feature of Ceský Ráj. The castle is open to the public between April – October, but not during the winter months. Therefore I was able to park the ‘Carly’ in the castle car park without paying a 50Kc fee 🙂

Hrad Kost/Kost Castle © Ricky Yates

Hrad Kost/Kost Castle © Ricky Yates
The castle is impressive from whichever angle you view it.

Statue of Jan Hus in Libošovice © Ricky Yates
After walking for 3km along the red waymarked route, I arrived in Libošovice where, despite being a relatively small village, there is this sizeable statue of Jan Hus.

Snowy landscape in Ceský Ráj © Ricky Yates
Then my walk took me across more open country along a snow-covered gravel track. Seeing this view did get me singing, ‘In the bleak mid-winter’ 🙂 Note the red waymark on the back of the road sign.

Between rocky outcrops © Ricky Yates
Back in the forest, my route passed between these rocky outcrops…..

Cross carefully 🙂 © Ricky Yates
…..before arriving at this ‘interesting’ bridge 😉 I did cross it with considerable trepidation, holding on firmly to the handrail!

Nativity display in Rytírova Lhota © Ricky Yates
My return journey along the green waymarked route, took me through the small village of Rytírova Lhota where there was this delightful nativity display.

Hrad Kost/Kost Castle © Ricky Yates
Then it was downhill back to Hrad Kost / Kost Castle, walking alongside the neighbouring ice-covered lake.
Such a nice post, Ricky! Even if the colours of it are grey like the shades of that day, it’s so serene and beautiful. Did you actually walk alone, I mean, that bridge!!!! The castle is absolutely impressive, anyone residing in it?? The most touching thing was that little holy family, we should have more of those along the roadsides for certain!! Blessings to you in the bleak Midwinter!!!
Thank you, Solveig! It was serene & beautiful but I was hoping for some sunshine. I walked alone & therefore crossed that bridge very carefully. I didn’t see anyone en route, except a couple of people in Libošovice and a lady walking in the opposite direction in Rytírova Lhota. I loved that roadside nativity – there was even a floodlight rigged up to light it up at night!
And yes – the castle is lived in.
Hi Ricky,
Thank you for yet another great post about that beautiful area and your usual excellent photography. You were brave to face that footbridge – I’m not sure I could have done it!
Wishing you all the best in 2017; ath-bhliain fé mhaise dhuit a chara.
Hi Sean – As always, I’m glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for the compliments for my photos. Yes – that footbridge was ‘interesting’ putting it mildly! It’s already gone midnight here so Št’astný Nový Rok – Happy New Year!
Glad you made it to Cesky Raj! What a cool idea for a day trip – it is such a spectacular place not so far from the capital that I think more people should visit 🙂 I absolutely fell in love with Trosky Castle if you ever get around to visiting there!
It is a great place for a day trip from Prague, Cynthia. Depending which part you go to it takes between an hour – hour & a half to drive there. The first time I visited I went by train which takes a bit longer but is still perfectly feasible.
I’ve seen Trosky Castle from a distance from several vantage points in Ceský Ráj but have yet to actually physically visit. Better put it on the bucket list!
Hi Ricky; We did visit the Cesky Raj, but not in the winter. Absolutely beautiful. With my knees the way they are, the bridge would have stumped me.I don’t believe we ever visited Trosky castle, but we did see it. I am glad to know you are going to take up residence in the Czech Republic, my envy is hard to control.
As for Brexit, your fellow UK citizens voted for it. Funny thing, democracy. The US will be glad to do business with the UK.
Regards, Bob
PS “In the bleak mid winter” is one of my all time favorite pieces of music. I think I will listen to it tonight.
Hi Bob – Thank you for visiting once more and leaving comments. I’ve combined your second short comment as a PS to the first so I can reply in one go.
I’m glad you got to visit Ceský Ráj during your time in the Czech Republic. It is absolutely beautiful at any time of the year. But I fully understand what you say about that bridge!
With regard to Brexit – your comment actually relates to what I wrote in my subsequent post ‘Into 2017’ – only 37% of those eligible to vote, in what was an advisory referendum, voted to leave the EU. Many British people who will be directly affected by the consequences, including some in my Prague & Brno congregations, were unable to vote because of having lived outside of the UK for more than 15 years. And the result was obtained by the ‘Leave campaign’ telling complete lies such as the NHS going to receive an extra £350 million a week! As a Christian minister, I believe in honesty & seeking to speak the truth.