More snow

Stará Oleška 44, Sunday 31st January 2021 © Ricky Yates






Further to my previous post, ‘Winter has arrived‘, winter has definitely decided to stay 😉 We have had further snowfall since I last posted and there has been lying snow now for over three weeks.


It finally stopped snowing around lunchtime yesterday (30th). Overnight, the skies cleared and the temperature dropped to -10°C (14° Fahrenheit for my American visitors). But clear skies has meant bright sunshine all day today, creating the perfect opportunity for taking snowy photographs 🙂 Knowing from past comments, how much my previous snowy photographs have been appreciated, here are a few more.

Back garden, Friday 29th January 2021 © Ricky Yates

This was my back garden on the morning of Friday 29th January, before I cleared the path to the woodshed to split more logs and bring them into the house. The hump in the middle of the garden…….

Logs delivered on Monday 25th January 2021 © Ricky Yates this pile of logs, the second half of my order, delivered on Monday 25th January. I was very glad I got some of them into the woodshed and the rest covered, before the latest snowfall.

Snow cleared © Ricky Yates

I have lost track of how many times I have scraped snow from my front path and the paved area that gives access to my carport. This was view after a considerable amount of labour on the afternoon of Saturday 29th January, once it had finally stopped snowing.

Snow! © Ricky Yates

One increasing problem has been where to put all of the excess snow. As you can see, there isn’t much more room here.

More snow! © Ricky Yates

Or here.

This afternoon, I went for a walk to try and capture some of the beauty of the snow. I had to walk very carefully as the temperature only rose to -2° and it was very icy underfoot. Tonight as I write, it is back down to -6°! Here are a few photographs from my walk around the village.

‘When the snow lay round about, deep and crisp and even’ © Ricky Yates


Olešský rybník on Saturday 30th January © Ricky Yates


View towards Camping Pod lesem © Ricky Yates

Stará Oleška in the snow © Ricky Yates

4 comments to More snow

  • Pauleen Bang

    Dear Ricky
    Wonderful photos – thanks for them. We have had some snow in Denmark but not much in Copenhagen so it doesn’t look as pretty here as it does there.
    Take care in the snow.

    • Ricky

      Hi Pauleen – Thank you for visiting & commenting once again. Glad you enjoyed the snowy photos. Big cities such as Copenhagen, tend to be a degree or two warmer than the surrounding countryside because with lots of buildings close together, heat is emitted. Therefore you get less or no snow 🙁

      Fortunately, the Czech authorities expect snow and know how to deal with it. The road through the village has been kept clear not least because it is a bus route.

  • Lovely – looks like you got far more snow than we did in the city! Looks beautiful up there. Kind of funny because I very seriously considered camping at Camping pod lesem earlier this year! Looks like there’s some nice spots near you. Hope you are enjoying this beautiful winter!

    • Ricky

      Hi Cynthia! Glad you enjoyed the photos. We’ve certainly had plenty of snow this winter. One reason we have more lying snow than in Czech towns & cities is that the village is nearly 300m above sea level. The other reason is the one I gave in answer to my previous commenter Pauleen – towns & cities give off heat so the temperature in urban areas tends to be a degree or two higher.

      If you want to come and camp here in the coming summer and COVID-19 allows 🙁 , I would recommend Camping Ceská brána rather than Camping pod lesem. It’s right alongside the rybník and nearer the village centre. It’s managed by a Flemish-speaking Belgian & his Czech wife, both of whom are fluent in English. I am enjoying the beauty of the snow though the daytime temperature was above freezing today, so a little of it is starting to melt.