Jov and Phillip, awaiting the start of the match © Ricky Yates
After my two-day visit to North Wales, I headed back across Offa’s Dyke, to Nottingham in the English East Midlands, spending the weekend staying with my son Phillip and future daughter-in-law Lisa, in their recently purchased new home. This has a guest bedroom meaning no more sleeping in a cellar without windows, or in a sleeping bag on the settee, as I have in times past 🙂
Ever since his childhood growing up in North Oxfordshire, Phillip has been a fan of Oxford United FC and is currently a season ticket holder. Months previously, when I was organising this visit, we agreed that we would go down to Oxford together and watch OUFC play Hartlepool United on Saturday 23rd April.
At that time, we didn’t know how critical the match would be. As it was, with this match and two more to go, OUFC were in third place in League Two and would gain automatic promotion if they were to win all three games, irrespective of any other results. Not surprisingly therefore, the game attracted a big crowd.
I drove us down to Bicester, from where we were driven onwards to the ground by Len, the father of Phillip’s friend Jov. It was a good game which ended in a 2 – 0 victory for Oxford United. For those who don’t follow these things, OUFC did also win their final two games, finished second in League Two and will thus play in League One next season.
On the morning of Sunday 24th April, I took a five-minute walk from Phillip & Lisa’s home, to their parish Church of St Jude, attending the 09.15 service of Holy Communion. I did to the Vicar, Rev’d John Allister, what regularly happens to me in Prague, revealing myself as a fellow Anglican priest at the end of the service. In Prague, this happens with some frequency – on the Sunday after Easter, I even had a bishop in mufti, with his wife, worshipping with us.

The Parish Church of St. Jude, Mapperley, Nottingham © Ricky Yates
John Allister and I had previously been in email conversation but this was the first time we had met in person. He has kindly given permission for me to officiate at Phillip and Lisa’s forthcoming wedding at the end of July, which will take place in his Church. As I have often said, the geography of the Church building, does influence the way a wedding is conducted, so it was good to see the inside of the Church as well as receiving some helpful practical advice from John.

The adjacent Church Hall of St. Jude’s where Phillip & Lisa will hold their wedding reception © Ricky Yates
Early on Sunday afternoon, my daughter Christa, son-in-law Ian, together with my grandson Finley arrived, having driven up from Daventry where they live. Lisa cooked us a late Sunday lunch which we all enjoyed together. I must apologise to the ladies, that I only have photographs of the male members of the family to illustrate this post. Below is Ian, reading to Finley, the book being a small present from me to my grandson.

Ian reading Finley’s new book to him © Ricky Yates
And below is a delightful photograph of Finley, enjoying toddling about in Phillip and Lisa’s garden.

My grandson Finley © Ricky Yates
Sounds like a great visit. What a lovely photo of Finley! He looks so much bigger than the last photo I saw. I didn’t realise Christa is just down the road from me and my husband in Rugby. Once again a small world 🙂 Sending best wishes to Christa and her family and Phillip too.
It was a most enjoyable weekend. Phillip & I also called in on Christa & Co on our way back from the football on the Saturday.
Finley was much bigger than when I last saw him too! This was the first time that I’d seen him walking – or at least toddling 🙂
Your grandson is SUCH a cutie! Sounds like a really lovely visit, and very cool that you are coming back to officiate the wedding in a few months.
Isn’t he gorgeous, Cynthia! As I indicated in my reply to the previous comment, I hadn’t seen the young man for quite some time & it was the first time I’d seen him walking. I’m very much looking forward both to officiating & seeing all my UK family once again on the big day at the end of July. There will obviously be a blog post 🙂
Gosh, hasn’t Finley grown since the last photo I saw of him! I’m glad the football match gave the right result. A defeat might have put a damper on what was obviously a highly enjoyable family visit.
Finley has indeed grown since I last saw him. As I said in reply to the two previous commenters, this was the first time I’d seen him walking. I’ll see him again at the wedding at the end of July and, no doubt, he’ll have grown some more by then!
Yes – the football result did contribute to what was a most enjoyable weekend.
Isn’t time spent in the bosom of your family just the most amazingly re-energising and restorative activity on earth? ‘Making memories’ as one of my own adult children recently described some hours we spent together. A wonderful sermon in word and picture on a vital point many people miss nowadays. Thank you Ricky.
In answer to the question in your first sentence, ‘It is indeed!’ Looking forward to seeing them all again at the wedding in July.