By Ricky, on August 31st, 2017 Bus 436 for Decín hl.n. © Ricky Yates
I promised back in May that, having moved from Prague to Stará Oleška, I would now write and reflect on my new life in North Bohemia. So here is a post about some of the practical aspects of village life, often in stark contrast to my experience during the previous eight and a half years of living in Prague.
Public transport
Stará Oleška lies on the 436 bus route which provides a service from the village, into the centre of Decín, terminating at the main railway station – Decín hl.n. In the opposite direction, it is possible to travel further into the hills to Jetrichovice and occasionally slightly further, . . . → Read More: Some aspects of village life in Stará Oleška
By Ricky, on August 22nd, 2017 The path into the forest © Ricky Yates
A few weeks ago, I took the bus northwards from Stará Oleška, through Srbská Kamenice, to the southern edge of Jetrichovice. From there, I made my way back to Srbská Kamenice, first following the blue and then the green waymarked routes.
The blue waymarked route leaves the road on the left, shortly after the bus stop, where the road goes to the right, zigzagging down to the centre of Jetrichovice. Initially it follows a gravel track which gives vehicular access to several houses, before becoming a footpath, heading into the forest.
Wayside shrine or Calvary © Ricky Yates
After about one and a half kilometres, there is this wayside shrine . . . → Read More: A walk from Jetrichovice to Srbská Kamenice
By Ricky, on August 20th, 2017 My house & front garden © Ricky Yates
This blog post is an invitation from me for you to join me on one of my favourite walks through the CHKO Labské Pískovce, the landscape protected area in which my new home is situated.
Leaving my front door and heading to the crossroads in the centre of Stará Oleška…..
Malá Oleška © Ricky Yates
……I join a footpath that takes me around this small lake, Malá Oleška……
Olešský rybnik © Ricky Yates
……and then alongside the large lake, Olešský rybnik.
Into . . . → Read More: A walk from Stará Oleška to Srbská Kamenice
By Ricky, on August 16th, 2017 Phillip & Lisa © Ricky Yates
As I mentioned at the beginning of my previous post, during my recent UK visit, as well as attending the Ordination of Deacons service in Sheffield Cathedral, I was also able to spend time with both my adult children and their families. This is a brief photographic family blog post before returning once more, to writing about life in my new home in North Bohemia.
The last time I was with my son Phillip and daughter-in-law Lisa, was on their wedding day, eleven months previously. They have since then, actively taken notice of the third reason that marriage is given, according to the liturgy of the Church of England, ‘as the foundation of family life in which children may be born and nurtured’. This . . . → Read More: Children and grandchildren
By Ricky, on July 27th, 2017 With the newly ordained deacon, Rev’d Dagmar Wilkinson © Ricky Yates
I spent from Thursday 29th June – Tuesday 4th July in the UK, staying with my son Phillip and daughter-in-law Lisa, at their home in Nottingham. I was able to spend time with them both and also with my daughter Christa, son-in-law Ian and grandson Finley, at their home in Daventry.
However, on the morning of Sunday 2nd July, I set off early to drive up the M1 to Sheffield Cathedral, in order to attend a service for the Ordination of Deacons. One of those to be ordained was my Czech friend Dagmar Wilkinson.
Dagmar comes originally from Kuncice pod Ondrejníkem in North Moravia but has been living and working in the UK for about seven years. She . . . → Read More: Ordination in Sheffield
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